Dear Shaded Viewers,
Melanie Bonajo and Emmeline de Mooij are based in Amsterdam both graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy with diplomas, Emmeline started creating installations while Melanie began experimenting with photography. They often use their bodies in their work, like performance art. They have joined forces for the project ‘Bush Compulsion: A Primitive Breakthrough in the Modern Mind’ which they are presenting at the festivals. They go to live like savages to see if the comforts of modern life have caused people to lose their links with nature and its manifestations, disease and death. Melanie Bonajo andEmmeline de Mooij shed their clothes and every other artefact of daily life, and naked, they spend their days in the wood. Masks, fetish objects and adornments recall the society they have left behind. These new savages are adorned with bubble wrap and motorcycle helmets. Melanie Bonajo and Emmeline de Mooij have published respectively in Capricious, Kilimanjaro, Livraison, Famous and exhibited mainly in Holland.
Melanie Bonajo & Emmeline de Mooij, photographers