Celebrating Warhol at the Gershwin Hotel, 2007, with Taylor Mead, Penny Arcade, Debbie Harry, Walter Stedding, Misha Sedgwick, Kevin Kushel, Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen, Kristina Korsholm.
After watching Liqud Sky again and Benjamin Liu walking by in the trailer I thought of Neke Carson who had the modeling agency La Rocka where Anne Carlisle and Mario Van Peebles got their start. This was filmed on one of Neke Carson’s nights at the Gershwin Hotel. Debbie Harry sings Heart of Glass. I remember in the 80’s when I was designing Neke lent me his loft for my show, it was on Halloween.
Queensryche – “One More Time” / “Someone else? “
Full moon tonight
Lunar lunacy