Dear Shaded Viewers,
last evening Gael Garcia Bernal attended to a press event at Spazio C’N’C’ by Costume National in Milan. They were showing an exhibition by Deitch Gallery (New York) on the set design of his last movie by Michel Gondry, "The Art of Sleep", co-star Charlotte Gainsbourg.
He’s always pretty.
I couldn’t attend the movie show (because I had to run out to another event) but I took a look at the various scenes and installations by fantasy director Gondry and some artists he worked with.
This is Stephane’s room. Stephane (Bernal) is the main character and has a nice little room overlooking Paris’ roofs.
This is Stephane’s paper car. I wish all cars were made in recycled paper…
"My Old Piano", by Michel Gondry. Every time one presses a key, The images (showing people playing piano) change.
"Toilette City Paper" by Sylvain Gondry (2005). I love this one.
Did you see this movie Diane? I am going to, next friday.
This exhibition was previously held at Deitch Gallery in SoHo, NYC, last fall.