Dear Diane, dear shaded viewers,
First, please excuse the position of the images. i don’t know why, I save them correctly but they appear wrong. I don’t have the time to re-edit them, I have to leave to see the Ego of Cibeles -catwalk for new talents-.
Cibeles -MIFW- is over. In every sense. Just a couple of shows were ok: Amaya Arzuaga, Locking Shocking, Spastor and Diez Diez. Period.
As you probably know the International Madrid Fashion Week started with that stupid polemic about the weight of the models. This story began last season when a model told a TV program that she had to lose weight before the shows -is it that so weird?-. Well, this was the starting point of a snow ball that ended with the castig director of Cibeles getting fired and with a poor casting for this week. I mean, the models were not exactly amazing but were not that fat -there were also skinny girls, the rule was not followed-. Models were not as cheap as some critics said…
Anyway, I don’t want to speak about this thing anymore. Really. The fact that Spanish fashion is known abroad for this kind of thing and not for it’s quallity makes me sick…
The real problem this season was the fact that the quallity was beyond low.
I was looking forward to seeing David Delfin, believing that good fashion was going to start with this brand, but I was wrong. The collection was boring. For the first time their collection was not “inspired” by any concept or artist, and the result was boring. I know that this is a time of change for the brand. As David Delfin and Gorka Postigo told me the future will be different and I trust them. Let’s wait and see what they bring us.
Here are Delfin and Gorka eating cash. I met them by chance at the Cock bar. They were with Duyos, Borja Bas, Spastor duo -Ismael and Sergio- and Deborah Postigo.
Spastor and their black on black on black show -named “From Behind”- was ok, as usual. And as you, Diane, know, they are lovely guys too. They made a simply exciting collection. Kind of claustrophobic and very Parisian weather focused. Lot of coats and jackets for S/S, not good for day light but perfect for going out by night. Let me show you some images.
Backstage image. As you can see there were also some white and grey details.
The catwalk was divided by a curtain, a fact that drove the photographers crazy . I support the hard work of the graphics but you know how rude they can be. Thank God the music was loud enough to silence them and let us enjoy the show.
Let’s have a look now at Locking Shocking. I have to say the show they did last fashion week left me a big incognita. Now, after seeing this last one, I start to understand.
Ana and Oscar are going in a good direction, slowly, consistently and strongly forward. I am very happy for them because they are top designers and everybody agreed this time -plus, they are incredible people-.
And then, Carlos Diez Diez surprised us again with his histrionic and crazy clothes. His fluor, acid colours, red and white cotton and Converse sneakers -all over- collection ended with jeans by Lois. He did a beautiful denim kilt for men.
The model is Alvaro, boyfriend of Carlos’ assistant Juanma.
Here you have a funny picture of Juanma -horse- and me. Yesterday at the Andrew McKenzie party -where Ramon Fano, fashion director of Neo2, was the Dj-.
Now I must run to see the Ego of Pasarela Cibeles shows -the young designers- so let me finish this post with the carrousel of Diez Diez. As you probably know, the guy with the huge beard is Carlos.
Mario Canal.