Dear Shaded Viewers,
It’s Stockholm fashion week and I am here for the +46 fashion event by ODD. We passed by the Hilton to drop off my bags and then headed over to Riche for dinner. It is crayfish time in Stockholm,
ODD’s art director, Leon Martinsen, at my request, showed me how one sucks the head of a crayfish. Delicious but messy business. After dinner we went to the after party of one of the designers that I will try and see today and then back to my hotel with a view.
I’m meeting Nico shortly to visit the city and will report back later. Who knows, maybe with some images. Tonight is the +46 fashion show/party. Sonny arrives later and maybe he’ll have more luck posting his images of the event. Afterwards there is a party at Spy Bar. Maybe I’ll see you there?
Later, Diane