Mon 05/12/2005 20:38 DianePERNET(781) Above Abel and his producer at the PULP after Mary.
As you probably know the film is about Mary Magdalene, it is about the scriptures discovered in 1945 and mostly the gospel according to he writings as well as the Gospel according to Saint Mark . Juliette BInoche plays an actress that cannot get out of the film once it has ended. The director, Matthew Modine, playboy, megolomaniac, does not care about the actresses problems nor anyone elses outside of his own skin. It plays out like a vision between the film, the film within the film and a religious tv show with Forrest Whitaker. There is a beauty and a richness to the way that the film is shot. One reoccurring image that I foulnd quite transcending is of an overlay of street lights in the dark or the image of Forrest WHitaker in the car with a blurred blue out the window. In fact there is something quite painterly about the way the film has been shot.
I met Abel at the door to the Pulp, he asked me what I thought of the film, I told him that I loved it . Our friend Shannon looked beautiful in her red Armani. They were going to dinner, they invited me but I came home to write to you instead.
P.S. That is my friend John Phillips and I waiting for the projection to start.The film will be released in Paris on December 21st and as yet has not found a distributor in the USA, I don’t understand why…