Dear Shaded Viewers,
I just came back from the Fantastic Man party at the water bar at Colette. I had the good fortune of arriving at the same time as one of the Editors in Chief of Zoo, Rebecca Voight.
The cover of the first issue of Fantastic Man
I started running into old friends and new friends. First was photographer Marcus Mam. Last time that I saw him was at the Jeremy Scott party at Baron.
Marcus took the photo of us.
I spoke briefly to the illustrator Ferdinand, but he did not want his photo taken, too bad, he’s a handsome guy. He had put me in contact with Antoine et Manuel that designed the rooms that I posted a few days ago at the Fox hotel in Copenhagen.
Manuel and Antoine of Antoine et Manuel, Manuel is wearing a design of my friends from Wig Wig Wig.
My friend Voin the artist and performer doing one of his glass acts.
Teddy Czopp who just finished a shoot for Zoo with Araki, we need to catch up on the phone about that one.
The last good by to glamorous Catherine Baba and Marcus Mam
Stylist/consultant Catherine Baba and Marcus Mam, photographer
I’ve not yet read the magazine cover to cover but I’ve enjoyed the article on Malcolm McLaren. It seems the NYC tailor Tom Brown is quite a buzz, I read an article about him yesterday in Zoo.
The last page was written by Jeremy Scott and Bernhard Willhelm when they were both in LA appreciating the beauty of the California sunlight. You’ve seen the photos from Bernhards most recent collections on my weblog but for those of you that were wondering about Jeremy, I just read in Fantastic Man that he’s been designing costumes for Harmony Korine’s film and writing two musicals and working on his collections.
You can pick up your copy of Fantastic Man at Colette or visit their site and find out where you can get a copy closer to home.
Take care,