Dear Shaded Vieweres

The models arrived yesterday and the night before.

Maida who is the Fashion Director for the festival also does the casting. 

Finding 40 + good models for festival is not easy at all considering with the very limited time and the budget.

She finds all the models from Paris, London, Amsterdam, New York and where ever she can find them,   if there's any possibilitiy to find fresh faces she will and of course she brings back our usual favorite boys and girls.

They seem to enjoy being together in south of France for the  festival.

Their comments on the collections are interesting and concern what they like or dislike and also the problems with fittings, shoes and accessories and what works for them and what does not and why..

One model told me ' This designer's collection is so cool. They could win. ' I replied ' They are the winner of last year ! '

Welcome to Festival Hy

Glenn Belverio

Glenn Belverio is a writer and New Yorker. He has been reporting for ASVOF since 2005 and currently works at The Museum of Modern Art as the Content Manager for MoMA Design Store.