Perks and Mini aka P.A.M

P.A.M is an established Australian brand who are known for their humorous approach to everything they touch… 

Wild Wild Life:

In animal behaviour, thanatosis (from the Greek noun ????????? meaning "putting to death") is the process by which an animal feigns death in order to evade unwelcome attention. It can be for various reasons, such as that of a prey evading a predator, a male trying to mate with a female, or a predator trying to lure potential prey closer. "Playing possum" is an idiomatic phrase which means "pretending to be dead". It comes from a characteristic of the Virginia opossum, which is famous for pretending to be dead when threatened

In this wild wild life you need a few ticks up your furry sleeves.

These ideas and many more including the work of David Lynch, transcendental meditation, spice and the folding of space were the point of departure for the new PAM women's collection - 
Wild Wild Life.




Carpets & Rugs in Sport:

Hunting and gathering, following seasonally available wild plants and game, is by far the oldest human subsistence method.

Nomadic groups make and sell textiles, deal in animals and pictures, and play music. These sedentary groups work in towns as scavengers and hangmen; elsewhere they are snake-charmers, tinkers, bag makers, and singers; they dance at feasts and tell fortunes. They play music and made sieves, brooms, and wooden spoons. They have taken to horticulture and poetry.



